Join GOD
in the RESTORATION of all things
Join us at 10:30am on Sundays at the Lakelands Park Middle School
Our Vision
RESTORE people to GOD, to COMMUNITY, and to MISSION, to plant churches that plant churches in our city and around the world for the glory of God.
“Join us as we join God in the Restoration of all things! We are a church IN and FOR the community, restoring people to GOD, to HIS Family, and to HIS mission. “
- Ed Choy, Senior Pastor

Life-Giving Worship Services
Join us on Sundays at 10:30am!
Lakelands Park Middle School
1200 Main Street
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Authentic Community Groups
Community Groups are at the heart of fully living our lives as Christians by building meaningful relationships beyond Sunday morning, giving and receiving care and growing spiritually.
Neighborhood-focused Outreach
Whether you're looking to serve on one of our teams or just want to find out a little more about them, explore how we are here to serve our community, in the heart of Gaithersburg and beyond.
Second Sunday Lunch Out
Sunday, March 9
LPMS Food Pantry Collection
Sunday, April 6
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
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