Upcoming Events

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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Second Sunday Lunch Out

Second Sunday Lunch Out

Join us for the Second Sunday Lunch Out this Sunday. Location is Mezeh Mediterranean Grill at the Downtown Crown. Sister Keren Cummins is organizing. See her on Sunday for more details. 

This is a great opportunity to deepen relationships with the church family & to connect with newcomers. 

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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End of Year Praise & Prayer Service

End of Year Praise & Prayer Service

  • Sunday Service 10am - Lakelands Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On the last Sunday of the month/year we will have a special praise and prayer service, normal service time, 10:30am. We will sing together, share testimonies, and be encouraged in the Word, followed by a pot luck luncheon. There will be no sign up, just bring something to share if you can. 

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Annual Church Christmas Party

Annual Church Christmas Party

Our annual Church Christmas Party will be on Sunday December 15th, 6-8pm at the Poustinchi Family Residence. We will have a SignUp Genius starting next week to bring Hor De Vours, as it's a finger food kind of party!

Put it on your calendar and plan to gather together for food, fun, and fellowship as we celebrate the holiday season together. 

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Next Steps Class

Next Steps Class

At our 8 year anniversary on Labor Day Sun we talked about doing an Ownership Re-commitment this year. 

Ownership is our version of membership.

To become an owner you need to go through our NEXT STEPS class and make the four ownership commitments.

The next Next Steps class is Sunday Nov 17th, right here, right after service. You can register by clicking HERE or put NEXT STEPS on a Connect Card on Sunday.

We will ask EVERYONE who is already an owner to re-commit by completing a new ownership form during Advent this year.

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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Gaithersburg Oktoberfest

Gaithersburg Oktoberfest

This is our biggest outreach opportunity of the year! We’ve been asked by the city of Gaithersburg to be water sponsors for the Gaithersburg Oktoberfest again. We will give away two pallets of water bottles, some RC swag, have a prayer station, and possibly more!

There will be no service at LPMS that morning as we’ll be out serving. Set up begins at 10am.

We'll have a volunteer sign up sheet Sunday on the resource table. We need 3-4 people at our booth for 5 hours, ideally a rotation so volunteers can enjoy walking around too. 

We are also looking for some balloon animal makers. Brian DeRose was awesome last year, but he was alone. If you either know how to make balloon animals, are willing to learn how to to, and/or know someone who does who might want to join us, let Steve or Pastor Ed know.

Keep this opportunity in prayer as we’ll get to meet thousands of people that day! 

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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Monthly Church Luncheon

Monthly Church Luncheon

  • Sunday Service - Lakelands Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’ll order the pizza, you bring sides, salads, fruit, and/or anything yummy to share.

We will include an update from our board with opportunities to get more involved. 

We hope you can make it!


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Church Anniversary Picnic

Church Anniversary Picnic

  • Sunday Service 10am - Lakelands Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SUNDAY September 1st we will NOT have our regular worship service at LPMS. Instead we will host our annual Church Anniversary Celebration Picnic… same location as our Father's Day Picnic, the Darnestown Local Park, not far from here right down Darnestown Road. We'll begin with some singing and story sharing at 11:00am, followed by a good ol fashioned pot luck picnic! 

This is a true pot luck, no sign up. Just bring your fav cookout items to share. Pastor Ed will grill brats and hot dogs, and the church will provide bottled water. We will have warming trays for hot items. 

We encourage you to invite family & friends to join the celebration, as we celebrate the goodness of God IN and THROUGH Restoration Church the past 8 years... and envision what's to come!

Bring a chair if you'd like. The pavilion has lots of picnic tables. But you may want to be more comfortable and possibly move into the sun, or grassy shade, along with lawn games, pickle ball gear, basketball, etc.

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Monthly Church Luncheon

Monthly Church Luncheon

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’ll order the pizza, you bring sides, salads, fruit, and/or anything yummy to share.

We will include an update from our board with opportunities to get more involved. 

We hope you can make it!

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Monthly Church Luncheon

Monthly Church Luncheon

  • Sunday Service 10am - Lakelands Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Monthly luncheons are back, the last Sunday of the month! Next up on July 28th right after service!

We’ll order pizza and ask you to help bring salads, fruit, and other sides to share.

We will include an update from our board with opportunities to get more involved. 

We hope you can make it!

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Dinner with the Lonergan Family

Dinner with the Lonergan Family

Sean and WeiWei Lonergan are missionaries in Asia. Sean is Brian's brother (Brian has been part of the RC family for about 6 months now). The Lonergan family is in the States for a few months to rest and regroup before heading back to Asia. They will will be with us a for a special dinner and night of sharing on WEDNESDAY July 17th (6:00 pm).

Please RSVP with Pastor Ed or Keren Cummins.  

This will be an exciting time to meet the Lonergan family, hear about their ministry in Asia, and the possibility to partner with them in the future. 

We hope you’ll be there!

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Father's Day Family Picnic

Father's Day Family Picnic

SUNDAY June 16th we will NOT have our regular worship service at LPMS. Instead we will host our annual Father’s Day Picnic… same location as past years, the Darnestown Local Park, not far from here right down Darnestown Road. We'll begin with some singing and story sharing at 11:00am, followed by a good ol fashioned pot luck picnic! 

This is a true pot luck, no sign up. Just bring your fav cookout items to share. Pastor Ed will bring some BBQ chicken, and the church will provide bottled water. We will have some warming trays for hot items. 

We encourage you to invite family & friends to join the celebration, as we celebrate Father’s Day, and more broadly families, including Church family!

We also encourage you to bring a chair. The pavilion has lots of picnic tables. But you may want to be more comfortable and possible move into the sun, or grassy shade, along with lawn games, pickle ball gear, etc.

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Child Dedication Ceremony

Child Dedication Ceremony

. If you have a baby or child you haven't dedicated in a ceremony like this we invite you to join us. To do so you'll need to complete THIS FORM and submit to Pastor Ed by Sunday April 28th. If you have any questions or concerns talk to Pastor Ed anytime (ed@restoration.church). 

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Mother's Day Brunch and Service

Mother's Day Brunch and Service

Mother's Day is coming soon (May 12th) and we're doing a few things to make it special.

FIRST, we're doing another brunch before service as we did last week for Easter Sunday. We'll have a sign up starting in two weeks. Be on the look out. 

SECOND, we will have a child dedication. If you have a baby or child you haven't dedicated in a ceremony like this we invite you to join us. To do so you'll need to complete THIS FORM and submit to Pastor Ed by Sunday April 28th. If you have any questions or concerns talk to Pastor Ed anytime (ed@restoration.church). 

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things:

  • Small water bottles

  • Small fruit juice bottles or boxes

  • Nutri Grain Bars

  • Granola Bars

  • Soft baked bars

  • Fruit cups

  • Fruit pouches

    Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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Ownership Next Steps Class

Ownership Next Steps Class

Ownership is our version of membership. In the Next Steps Class you will discover what it means to be an owner at Restoration Church. You will hear our Story, the vision of RC + WHO WE ARE (beliefs, leadership structure), HOW WE LIVE (Way of Life), and HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED (opps, ownership commitment, next steps).

Next Steps will be held on Sunday after the worship service, approx 11:45am-1:00pm. We will meet right at the stage and grab a table in the corner. For those available we'll gather for lunch immediately after at a restaurant in the Kentlands. 

We will send you a packet of notes along with our church bylaws to review before the orientation. Reviewing each and making notes/questions is a key part of making the most of our time together. 

Completing the Steps Class is required to become an Owner.

Use THIS LINK to register. 

We hope to see you there! 

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Newcomer Dessert

Newcomer Dessert

If you are new to Restoration Church, haven't been to a Newcomer Dessert before, haven't become an Owner, OR would just like to hang out with some of our leadership team, we invite you to the next Newcomer Dessert on Sunday April 7th at Pastor Ed and Laura's home. 

Use THIS LINK to register, or click the picture above. 

We hope to see you there! 

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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Couple's Dinner Party

Couple's Dinner Party

Couples, especially those not part of a Community Group, join Pastor Ed and Laura for a casual but intentional time of food, fellowship, and fun.

These are mostly informal times to connect and share life together, with a brief topic relevant to marriage and/or parenting. 

If there’s a specific topic you are interested in related to marriage/parenting please let Pastor Ed or Laura know, and we’ll do our best to cover it.

Please RSVP with Pastor Ed or Laura ASAP

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Leadership Community Second Saturdays

Leadership Community Second Saturdays

One of our Core Values is People Development: When EVERYONE plays, EVERYONE wins! Pastor Ed is leading "Second Saturdays" for ALL leaders at RC.

Who is a leader? This year we're including board members, staff, everyone who leads a group or Sun ministry, everyone who serves on a team, and ANYONE who wants to grow their influence on others (loose definition of a leader). 

Second Saturdays will meet every 2nd Sat of 2024 at the Lakelands Community Clubhouse (960 Main St, one block from LPMS) 8:00am-9:30am. If you missed the first session that's fine. You can still join the next gathering on Saturday, February 10th. 

We will use The Emotionally Healthy Leader as the base of our conversation. Click THIS LINK to order your copy. Other materials will be provided. 

Please RSVP with Pastor Ed.

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LPMS Food Pantry Collection

LPMS Food Pantry Collection

  • Sunday Service 10:30am - Lakelands Park Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every first Sunday of the month we collect drinks and snacks for the Food Pantry at LPMS.

Mrs Denise Perez, the counseling department liaison for us has requested a few specific things for the Fall:

Small water bottles
Small fruit juice bottles or boxes
Nutri Grain Bars
Granola Bars

Thank you for helping us BLESS this school. We truly believe that wherever the people of God are, that place should be BLESSED!

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Church Luncheon & Annual Meeting

Church Luncheon & Annual Meeting

  • Sunday Service 10am - Lakelands Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This month's luncheon will also double as our annual church Family Meeting. 

Amir, our Board of Directors Treasurer will share a financial summary from 2023, the 2024 budget, Pastor Ed will share an update about next steps with our Kids Ministry and some upcoming plans and vision for the year, along with other reporting from our Board of Directors and staff. 

Don't miss this important time to eat, gather, and learn more about what's coming this year.  

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Monthly Couples Dinner Parties

Monthly Couples Dinner Parties

Couples, especially those not part of a Community Group, we will start monthly Dinner Parties again starting Sunday Feb 18th, at the Choy's! 

These are mostly informal times to connect and share life together, with a brief topic relevant to marriage and/or parenting. 

If there’s a specific topic you are interested in related to marriage/parenting please let Pastor Ed or Laura know, and we’ll do our best to cover it.

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Leadership Community Second Saturdays

Leadership Community Second Saturdays

One of our Core Values is People Development: When EVERYONE plays, EVERYONE wins! Pastor Ed is leading "Second Saturdays" for ALL leaders at RC.

Who is a leader? This year we're including board members, staff, everyone who leads a group or Sun ministry, everyone who serves on a team, and ANYONE who wants to grow their influence on others (loose definition of a leader). 

Second Saturdays will meet every 2nd Sat of 2024 at the Lakelands Community Clubhouse (960 Main St, one block from LPMS) 8:00am-9:30am. If you missed the first session that's fine. You can still join the next gathering on Saturday, February 10th. 

We will use The Emotionally Healthy Leader as the base of our conversation. Click THIS LINK to order your copy. Other materials will be provided. 

Please RSVP with Pastor Ed.

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